Let There Be Light

The story in Genesis of man’s rebellion against God and of how God showed his mercy by promising to restore humanity to himself by building a great nation from Abraham’s offspring


Week 1 - God saw that it was good: Genesis 1:1-25

Week 2 - God lookalikes: Genesis 1:26-2:7

Week 3 - The Fall: Genesis 2:8-3:24

Week 4 - Am I my brother’s keeper?: Genesis 4:1-16

Week 5 - Amazing grace: Genesis 6:1-9:17

Week 6 - One people under God: Genesis 11:1-9

Week 7 - Promises, promises: Genesis 11:27-12:9, 15:1-19

Week 8 - Promise being kept: Genesis 21:1-22:19

Week 9 - Happy families?: Genesis 25:19-34, 27:1-45

Week 10 - Choose me!: Genesis 35:22b-29, 37:1-36, 39:1-41:57

Week 11 - A remnant in Egypt: Genesis 42:1-47:12

Week 12 - What we’ve learnt in Genesis: Genesis Summary