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Nehemiah and the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem
Week / Title / Passage
Week 1 - Jerusalem in ruins: Nehemiah 1:1-2:9
Week 2 - Inspecting the walls: Nehemiah 2: 10-20
Week 3 - Building the wall: Nehemiah 3: 1-32
Week 4 - Under attack: Nehemiah 4: 1-23
Week 5 - Internal threats: Nehemiah 5: 1-19
Week 6 - Stirring up trouble: Nehemiah 6: 1 – 7: 3
Week 7 - Moving day: Nehemiah 7: 4 – 73a
Week 8 - Ezra reads the law: Nehemiah 7:73b-8:18
Week 9 - Renewing the promise: Nehemiah 9: 1 – 10: 39
Week 10 - Living in Jerusalem: Nehemiah 11:1 – 12: 26
Week 11 - Dedicating the wall: Nehemiah 12: 27 - 47
Week 12 – Correcting the people – Nehemiah 13