
Each term we will be studying a book or theme from the Bible split into weekly sessions. Each term has a special title which now include “The JC Hospital”, “Christians in Training”, “Under Construction” , “Phlipping Marvellous , “The Wisdom Lab”, “The Barmy Army”, “Woody’s Workshop”, “Exit Egypt” , “Beneath the Tree” and “Journey to the New Earth” and there are lots of activities related to each theme.

Each week you will be able to download a pack containing the following (BRONZE package unless stated): 

  1. A fully scripted bible talk (around the learning aim) with visual aids and slides as appropriate. (Woody’s Workshop, Exit Egypt and Journey to the New Earth have fun cartoon intros to the talks, Beneath the Tree has a video, songs and a child’s activity handbook) 

  2. A drama script (if you want to act it out yourselves) 

  3. A drama video with actors (if you’d prefer to watch), apart from the three series above – at extra cost  (SILVER package)

  4. Discussion notes for groups to help the children understand the learning aim 

  5. Parents’ notes to help parents reinforce the learning at home 

  6. A craft template and instructions (for you to prepare craft yourselves)  

  7. Additional activities for the children to do if time or to take home

  8. A selection of relevant games to be used over the term 


We really want the children to feel they belong to Jude’s Sunday Gang so you can purchase a Jude the Lion puppet, a roller banner and sticky name labels. 

Check out all the materials in our Store, including free downloads from each series, but, before you do, have a look at a free sample week’s materials.


Click on the boxes to download a FREE sample video and one week’s resources

Visit the Store to get more information and purchase a series. Free downloads of a week’s video and materials are available for each series - to get these just click on the Find Out More button for each series and scroll down the page.