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The Store
Series now available on the Healings of Jesus, the Epistles, Nehemiah, Philippians,
the Wisdom Literature, Joshua, John’s Gospel, Exodus and the Christmas Story
Series now available on the Healings of Jesus, the Epistles, Nehemiah, Philippians,
the Wisdom Literature, Joshua, John’s Gospel, Exodus and the Christmas Story
Pay per series and choose the package which is right for your needs. Series prices are below and you can click the links and purchase series below.
£20 per series including for each week:
A fully scripted bible talk (around the learning aim) with visual aids and slides as appropriate
A drama script
Discussion notes for groups to help the children understand the learning aim
Parents’ notes to help parents reinforce the learning at home
A craft template & instructions
An additional activity for the children to do if time or to take home
A selection of relevant games to be used over the term
£60 per series including everything in the Bronze package and:
A professionally produced drama video featuring actors and, in some series, puppets as well
£35 per series (currently Woody’s Workshop, Exit Egypt and Journey to the New Earth) including everything in the Bronze package and:
A fun cartoon video
Beneath the Tree is also £35 for the series. This includes nearly 1 hour of video drama and songs featuring Michael Tinker, and activity handbooks for children and leaders.
Please note: Links to download all the files and videos are sent in an email at purchase and on the closing transaction screen.
Jesus the healer in Mark’s gospel.
A look at the what the Epistles have to say about running the Christian race
Nehemiah and the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem
Learn how to rejoice in the Lord from the book of Philippians
What it means to be wise from the Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament
God’s faithfulness to Joshua and his people
Jesus - signs, wonders and teachings from John’s gospel
The Exodus - God keeps his promise to Abraham by providing a special land for the people of Israel
A 3 week Christmas mini series in which Archibald the Explorer and Jude the Lion tell the Christmas story while looking at 3 trees in the Bible!
The New Heaven and the New Earth - John’s vision in the book of Revelation of what will happen at the end of time when Jesus returns
*All prices include postage and packing