Series 6 - The Barmy Army BRONZE package

Series 6 - The Barmy Army BRONZE package


The BRONZE package includes all the materials but not the drama videos (see Resources section for details). The content is listed below:

God’s faithfulness to Joshua and his people


Week 1 - Call to leadership: Joshua 1

Week 2 - Rahab and the spies: Joshua 2

Week 3 - Crossing the Jordan: Joshua 3:1-5:12

Week 4 - Joshua takes the city of Jericho: Joshua 5:13-6:27

Week 5 - Achan’s sin causes defeat: Joshua 7-8

Week 6 - The Gibeonite deception: Joshua 9

Week 7 - The sun stands still: Joshua 10-12

Week 8 - Divide and settle: Joshua 13-19 concentrating on 14:6-15

Week 9 - Living as God’s people: Joshua 20-21

Week 10 - United we stand: Joshua 22

Week 11 - Joshua’s farewell speech: Joshua 23

Week 12 - God’s people promise to follow him: Joshua 24

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